Open Call

If you are a Malta-based crafter who wants to start your own craft business, or you are a craft entrepreneur or creative microbusiness owner wanting to further develop your already existing enterprise, then you should consider applying.

Part of the Erasmus+ co-funded MicroHUB project, we will soon offer opportunities for online training, individual mentoring and international promotion.

The very first opportunity, that the others will build upon, is to undertake at your own pace, based on your specific interests or needs, and free of charge, one, more or all of the modules part of our MicroHUB Transformative Business Model online training programme. This is currently being implemented technically (you can have a sneak peek here), and upon its finalisation (expected in May 2023), we will notify you when available and you can start using it.

Part of this training, you will have the opportunity to develop your entrepreneurial, business development, digital marketing and networking skills, as well as to exchange experiences with fellow creative entrepreneurs and professionals. Specifically on:

  • How to spot business opportunities
  • How to conduct a SWOT and market analysis
  • How to plan and organise a business within the wider value chain
  • How to create and update a business plan
  • How to manage and monitor your microbusiness
  • Financial management of a craft microbusiness
  • How to identify funding opportunities
  • Networking with the use of digital tools
  • E-commerce and social media platforms, as well as online content creation
  • Ecological and ethical business practices
  • How to create brand assets
  • How to develop implement a social media strategy

Afterwards, around June 2023, we will proceed with selecting the craft entrepreneurs to further benefit of individual online mentoring and/or international promotion and networking facilitation. All free of charge thanks to EU funding support!

The online training and mentoring will also be available in Maltese, should you be more comfortable learning in that language.

Interested? Apply now by emailing


The MicroHUB project aims at developing innovative digital training solutions to enhance the effectiveness and competitiveness of crafters’ and artisans’ microenterprises, especially in the context of participation to national and EU markets. This will be achieved by developing and offering relevant training solutions and material to strengthen the capacity of existing microenterprises and craft-type of enterprises to strive in the current economic environment. At the same time, the MicroHUB project is devoted to all those individuals who wish to establish their own creativity micro and craft-type enterprise as a response to a crisis or unemployment. Visit the project website and read more about it here.